1 ongoing sessions with different origin IP than the current one removed (w0039)
Background: Legally binding electronic communication .
Hint - Enter search text or word "sg.ch" for St.Gallen, "ti.ch" for Ticino,
"sem.admin.ch", etc.
Or "miet tg" to find all authorities related to "Miete" and "Thurgau".
In collaboration with https://www.ch.ch/de/ejustice/ .
Name | Address | User Comments | |
Assistance Juridique | aj.securise@justice.ge.ch | GE | |
Tribunal de première instance | tpi.securise@justice.ge.ch | .GE | |
Tribunal des baux et loyers | tbl.securise@justice.ge.ch | GE | |
Commission de conciliation en matière de baux et loyers | cbl.securise@justice.ge.ch | GE | |
Ministère public | mp.securise@justice.ge.ch | .GE | |
Pouvoir judiciaire - Tribunal pénal | tpn.securise@justice.ge.ch | GE | |
Tribunal des mineurs Genève | tmin.securise@justice.ge.ch | GE | Not found in federally operated directory |
Tribunal tutélaire | tt.securise@justice.ge.ch | GE | |
Juridiction des prudhommes | ph.securise@justice.ge.ch | GE | |
Cour de justice civile | cjc.securise@justice.ge.ch | GE | |
Cour de justice pénale | cjp.securise@justice.ge.ch | GE | |
Tribunal de Protection de l'Adulte et de l'Enfant | tpae@justice.ge.ch | GE | |
Justice de paix | jp@justice.ge.ch | GE | |
Tribunal pénal Genève | tp.securise@justice.ge.ch | GE | Not found in federally operated directory |
Please contact us
if an authority is not yet listed/incorrect or a canton has updated its list on
https://www.ch.ch/de/ejustice/ .
Only mail to these authorities via Swiss-accredited, confidential platforms .
See also: https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/2010/408/de/#art_4
Canton: AG, AI, AR, BE, BL, BS, FR, GE, GL, GR, LU, JU, NE, NW, OW, SG, SH, SO, SZ, TG, TI, UR, VD, VS, ZG, ZH
See Legend (in a new Window with full List)
A free service by PrivaSphere to foster electronic secure and reliable exchanges with authorities in Switzerland - use at your own risk.
See also: https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/2010/408/de/#art_4